Tuesday, September 25, 2007

A Nice Person

At 6:15 this morning when I was out walking with Molly I noticed something going across the road about the distance between telephone poles ahead of us. I figured it was a cat or a fox. The car approaching this thing slowed down and let it go by. The driver speeded up and went a little bit past us and slammed on his brakes. He backed up and told me that it was a porcupine and I should probably turn around. Good idea!!! It had gone down the Idlepines Road and shortly after I heard a dog barking loudly--hopefully it didn't tangle with the porky. I didn't even know the man who stopped but I'm sure glad he did. It's beautiful here today. Lucky us---Amy is cooking us supper!!!

This is Molly. She just came up from the water. She's not a swimmer-just likes to go in and get wet. We're hoping to teach her to jump off the dock next summer--that'll be the day.

Molly and best buddy, Kobe. Kobe has been swimming but he could stay in all day if he could.


petecobb99 said...

dogs + porcupines = bad

amy said...

Molly is looking a lot less like a sausage dog!

mcw said...

i don't know if you checked lately, but the kid who used to pick flowers is the leading scorer on his soccer team.