Monday, July 2, 2007

First time

Jeffrey---this is my first post and I have nothing to say!! It's cold and windy--I blame Maggie for this--I think she took the good weather back to CO. Amy is coming up soon--we are going to try a new recipe tonight--I hope it's good. We bought a new lawnmower but it's still in the box--that makes it pretty hard to mow the lawn!! I'm still collecting the state quarters--I forgot to give you my list, Maggie--and I'd be happy to post a list of the ones that I haven't collected yet. Please let me know if you're interested. Getting quarters from the Denver Mint are not easy to come by--I will reinburse any quarters that I receive. Jenny, Zack, and Cody--you said you were coming to visit--when?


Lynn said...

You gom MOM! You did it! Now it will be easier for you to write more and more. Maybe I'll even find out new things. Like: what new recipe are we trying tonight?

petecobb99 said...

yeah, post your quarters and i may stumble on one...
if you leave the mower in the box it won't use any gas

Jeffrey said...

glad to see you will finally be able to hay that lawn of yours. is it gas powered or electric?
I'd like to see your quarter list too.

How was the boat parade?

amy said...

I have the coolest grandmother. Ever.

Maggie said...

The weather is always good in Colorado... maybe it is coming your way again. Post the quarters list!!! That way I will not lose it. I agree with Amy... THE coolest G-Ma! A few critics said you wouldn't post Grandma, glad you proved them wrong!